What sticks with you better, the information you absorbed from a blog post you read, or what you learned from the last video you watched? Even if you love reading, as many people do, the human brain tends to prefer moving images to static text. When you watch your favorite sporting event, you are viewing action and processing it visually. If you miss a big game and have to read about it later to find out what happened, there is just not the same excitement as there is when you view the action itself.
This is because, like the old saying goes, a picture is worth 1,000 words.
Actually, science has proven that a picture is roughly worth about 60,000 words. This is because your brain processes images about 60,000 times faster than it does text. Video is also processed virtually instantly, as opposed to text. Even
if a video clip lasts just 1 second, your brain processes all that is going on immediately. This is not what happens when you read text, because your brain has to string together individual letters to make words, words to make sentences, sentences to make paragraphs, and so on.
In this eBook, we’ll cover the following:
- Why Live Video Streaming Should Be Part of Your Marketing Plan
- Live Video Can Become Recorded Video
- Web Surfers Are Viewing Live Content More Than Ever Before
- Where to Go Live
- Tools You Need to Go Live
- Microphones
- Cameras
- Video Editing Software
- Live Streaming Content Ideas
- Planning Your First Live Stream
- How to Get Viewers on Your Live Stream
- Making the Most of Your Live Videos
- Create a Video Course
- Build a FAQs Library
- Showcase a Happy Client Story
- Publish Recorded Versions of Your Live Videos … Everywhere! .
- Use Your Videos for Lead Magnets
- The Wrap-Up – Taking Action
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