Branding for small businesses and bloggers


Branding for small businesses and bloggers

October 19, 2022


The reason why spoken communication evolved from grunting to specific words is because this improved the odds that your cave-inhabiting ancestors were getting their message across. Whether language is spoken or written, it is generally used to shed more light on the message you are trying to communicate. As long as you are speaking the same language as another person, and you both understand the meaning of the words and phrases you are each using, you can have an enlightening and well-understood discourse.

This is not always the case.

In this eBook, we’ll cover the following:

  • The Definition of Branding
  • The Difference Between Marketing and Branding
  • Why Is Branding Important to Me?
  • Your Brand Story – What Makes Your Brand Unique & Stand Out?
  • “30 Minutes or It’s Free”
  • Market Research & Defining Your Target Audience
  • Choosing A Domain Name/Business Name.
  • Branding Logo & Design Basics
  • Infusing Your Brand with Personality/Connecting
  • With Your Audience
  • Knowing When It Is Time to Change Your Brand Message.

Whether you are struggling, or your business is doing well, it pays to take a look at your brand. Be honest with yourself.

“This eBook helped me think about the ways I can make my brand more attractive to my customers, and retool my branding message. Great value!”

In this eBook on branding for bloggers, kitchen table entrepreneurs, info-preneurs and internet business owners, we will take a look at the true meaning of branding, and why it is so important for even the smallest of companies. You will learn the benefits of having a clearly defined brand message, why a logo may or may not be important for delivering that message, and how marketing and branding are closely related, but not the same animal.


You will discover that the most important aspect of branding is getting people to attach your company name, logo and products to your unique story. This means being uniquely different from your competitors, and the rest of the marketplace as it currently exists. You will learn why you should understand what your clearly defined target is as far as an audience or niche, and how to choose a business name that helps broadcast your brand.

Work through this list of proven branding marketing strategies and we guarantee it will streamline your success.


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