How to define your target market


How to define your target market

October 19, 2022

Your Target Market?

Have you heard Internet marketers mention phrases like “target market” or “niche market” and wondered exactly what they were talking about? If you want to be successful in creating and selling information products online, you need to understand exactly what these phrases mean. The same is true if you expect to launch and maintain a successful blog.

Imagine you have come up with the most delicious tasting hamburger recipe of all time. Even your vegan and vegetarian friends you convinced to take a bite admitted it was the tastiest food they ever put into their mouths. Dreams of overnight success and a million-dollar bank account fill your mind, and you purchase a food cart.

You prepare and cook a bunch of best-ever hamburgers and take to the streets. You have a very simple sign that says “Best Hamburger Ever”, and you travel up and down every street in your city offering your product. You can’t believe it, but something strange happens.


In this eBook, we’ll cover the following:

  • Difference Between a Niche & a Target Audience
  • Why To Get Clear on Your Market
  • Finding a Niche and Audience That Fits YOU
  • Creating An Audience Profile
  • Getting to Know Your Current Audience Better
    • Don’t Forget Your Email List
  • Using This Information to Make More Sales
    • Segment Your List
    • Use Customer Input to Come up with New Product Ideas
    • Trade Discounted Pricing for Valuable Information
    • Use the Power of Word-Of-Mouth Advertising
  • The Takeaway

The key to finding your target market is research. You must know the audience you’re going after very well. This means taking the time to create an audience profile, which leads to an avatar, a clear picture that is the embodiment of your perfect prospect. You also need to create your own niche, the angle that makes you unique and different from your competition.

When you do this, your chances of success running an online blog or information product website increase dramatically.


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